Pop Movies!
- Book of Life
- Big Hero 6
- Big Trouble In Little China
- Despicable Me
- DreamWorks
- E.T.
- Ghostbusters
- Harry Potter
- Horror Classics
- Jupiter Ascending
- Kill Bill
- Penguins of Madagascar
- Pulp Fiction
- Random Movies
- Star Trek
- Star Wars
- Teenage Mutanat Ninja Turtles
- The Fifth Element
- The Hobbit
- The Matrix
- The Nightmare Before Christmas
- Transformers
- Wreck-It Ralph
- Jurassic Park
- Super Troopers
- The Princess Bride
- Pan's Labyrinth
- Gargoyles
- Coming to America
- Gremlins
- Hellboy
- Avengers - End Game
- It