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Burbling Pits - Lava

Burbling Pits - Lava

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Bring your worlds to life with 3d printed terrain! Designed for miniature gaming, RPGs, and display, this fantastic 3d printed scenery was designed by Printable Scenery Limited and manufactured under license by Laser Craft Workshop.

The Burbling Pits: Lava are a set of three shard lined depressions filled with boiling lava! Alternately, with the right paint job, they could be any dangerous roiling liquid! Use as part of your expedition against the demon lord, scatter terrain for Chaos wastes, or strange formations on alien worlds.

The somewhat oval Burbling Pits: Lava are 3d printed in sets of three. Measurements are approximate and in inches (L x W x H).

Large Burbling Pit: 5-1/2 x 4-3/4 x 1
Medium Burbling Pit: 4-1/4 x 3-1/2 x 1
Small Burbling Pit: 2-3/4 x 2-1/4 x 1

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